DUE TO ONGOING SUPPLY COMPLICATIONS we are currently unsure of when out-of-stock Angelo B. products will next be available, though we have them on order. Please sign up for our newsletter to receive notice when we get them back in.
The long reach and strong arc of this tool allows it to cut thick-stemmed weeds and vegetation with ease. While too light to work well on thick woody targets like large branches, this is just the tool to handle corn stalks, thistles, burdock, mullein, and cattails, as well as lighter targets like mature goldenrods, blackberry brambles, and dense reedy grasses. Works nicely for clearing overhead green branches along trails as well!
If selecting the Special Grade option we will thin and refine the factory edge.
Suggested uses: Slashing and trimming of grasses, brambles, thick weeds, and thin green branches.